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How I designed my research journal

9 minute read


Some sage advice I was given when starting my PhD was to keep a research journal. No doubt this is common practice, but to be clear, this is to be a place for recording daily work, tracking progress, outstanding tasks, lingering questions, answers to those questions, and so on. Here’s how I designed my ideal journal.


How I designed my research journal

9 minute read


Some sage advice I was given when starting my PhD was to keep a research journal. No doubt this is common practice, but to be clear, this is to be a place for recording daily work, tracking progress, outstanding tasks, lingering questions, answers to those questions, and so on. Here’s how I designed my ideal journal.


How I designed my research journal

9 minute read


Some sage advice I was given when starting my PhD was to keep a research journal. No doubt this is common practice, but to be clear, this is to be a place for recording daily work, tracking progress, outstanding tasks, lingering questions, answers to those questions, and so on. Here’s how I designed my ideal journal.