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How I designed my research journal

9 minute read


Some sage advice I was given when starting my PhD was to keep a research journal. No doubt this is common practice, but to be clear, this is to be a place for recording daily work, tracking progress, outstanding tasks, lingering questions, answers to those questions, and so on. Here’s how I designed my ideal journal.


Research journal

The LaTeX template I made to journal daily progress, questions, & insights throughout my PhD:

Beamer template

The template & theme I made for presentations using LaTeX + beamer:




Learning & teaching assistant

Undergraduate mathematics, Stellenbosch University, Mathematics Department, 2018

From 2018 to 2023 (inclusive), I worked as a teaching & learning assistant for various undergraduate mathematics modules at Stellenbosch University.

Junior lecturer

First-year mathematics, Stellenbosch University, Mathematics Department, 2024

In the first half of 2024, I lectured first year mathematics at Stellenbosch University, covering mainly precalculus and calculus. I taught a class of approximately 220 students.